Please help
I am using Vista home basic, Vista Firewall, plus NOD antivirus 4, Altbinz 0.28.5
Fault is as follows my download speed is around 130KB/s
I was recently upgraded from 2mb to 10mb. I feel that this is somewhat slow.
I believe I should be getting between 1100/1250KB/s as I have a friend who has a similar setup
I have confirmed with Virgin that I now have 10mb
I have also tried numerous speed sites
www.speedtest.netI have also tried previous version of altbinz to no avail.
I have tried grabbit and the d/l speed is about the same 140kb/s
I have also tried to the tcp/ip optimizer and have set my MTU to max and this has not made any difference.
If I download through other methods the speed is much quicker as it should be on 10mb.
Any ideas