Author Topic: Par2 checking, repairing & Unraring  (Read 35358 times)

Offline Rdl

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Par2 checking, repairing & Unraring
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:40:28 pm »
Here's the short explanation of whole process from downloading to unraring.
First we need to enable par2 & unrar in setup. Here are 2 pictures of setup screen and explanation of every option:

Par2 checking - needs to be checked in order for par2 checking AND unraring to work.
Par2 repairing - par2 set will be repaired if there are enough blocks
Cleanup after par2 repair - after successful repair all bad files, par2 block files will be deleted
Delete small par2 file - if par2 set is ok (either after downloading or repairing) small par2 file will be deleted
Save par2 tab info on exit - all info you see in par2 tab will be saved after exiting program and restored next time you enter it
Recheck all par2 sets on startup - if info is saved on exit, after entering program, all par2 sets saved will be rechecked again

Autounrar - enables autounraring function. When this is checked, column 'Unrar' appears in download queue and 2 buttons in download queue toolbar. With those two you can set nzb to autounrar or not. Also column 'Unrar' appears in par2 tab and it only indicates if par2 set will be autounrared or not (based on your choice in download queue)
Delete archives after successful unraring - it will delete archives ONLY if unraring is successful
Delete *.sfv files after unraring - it will delete all sfv files from that dir ONLY if unraring is successful
Unrar to a different folder - instead of folder where files were downloaded, par2 set will be unrared to another selected dir
Create subfolder based on NZB name - new folder will be created either in download dir or unrar dir (depends what you choosed in previous option) named as root node(nzb name) from which came last downloaded file for that par2 set
Create subfolder based on archive name - new folder will be created based on filename of archive. Combination of previous 3 options is possible:
 - download_dir\nzb_name\archive_name\
 - download_dir\archive_name\
 - download_dir\nzb_name\
 - unrar_dir\nzb_name\archive_name\
 - unrar_dir\nzb_name\
 - unrar_dir\archive_name\
 - download_dir=download folder from setup or download folder\nzb name if create folder based on nzb name is checked

Now we will import one nzb file:

There are 16 files to download and 6 par2 block files which are paused and wont be downloaded (they will be unpaused by the program if needed). Small par2 file is first on the list. We also see 'Unrar' column and two extrat unrar/do not unrar buttons. This is right place to mention that every column can be disabled(hiden) by right clicking on columns header:

or moved by dragging column with left mouse button:

After small par2 file is downloaded, it will be imported and can be seen in par2 tab:

We see that par2 set named 'tpz-cshow302.par2' covers 13 rar files which are splited into 489 blocks, 384000 bytes per block. In order to unpack those files must be complete.

Here we see that downloaded files are fine. Files r00-r07 are checked and are complete. We see that downloading threads are downloading file r09, so that means that r08 file is currenty in decoding/checking phase.

All unpaused files were downloaded (16 files) Notice that size of 'Some.NZB.File' rootnode (NZB) is 0. Only when ALL unpaused files were downloaded and size is 0, additional par2 blocks will be unpaused for par2 set that was downloaded from that rootnode(NZB). So if there are multiple small par2 files inside one rootnode(NZB) you must wait for whole rootnode to be downloaded and only then additional par2 block files will be unpaused if needed for any of par2 sets from that rootnode.

Here we see all files were downloaded but last one .rar is damaged. 2 blocks out of 40 are missing. Since all unpaused files are downloaded from rootnode, program will check if there are any paused par2 recovery block files in rootnode from where par2 set came and unpause needed number of blocks (if there are enough blocks available)

Here we see confirmation in log that there were 2 blocks missing and there was 49 paused blocks and program decided to unpause 2 blocks. File with 2 blocks was downloaded, checked and repair was started. In case recovery blocks were damaged too, whole process of unpausing recovery files with needed number of blocks will be repeated.

After repair was successful unraring will start and after successful unraring we will see something like picture above. See 'Icon explanation' sticky thread for further explanation of various repair/unrar states/icons.