Author Topic: and newer versions?  (Read 2359 times)

Offline geckturbo

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« on: November 20, 2007, 11:51:23 pm »
  I'm a little confused.I came across this  while trying to figure out why 0.26.7 isn't unrarring anything.

 Does this still have to be done with versions after 0.25.6?


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Re: and newer versions?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2007, 12:16:01 am »
The newer builds keep the multicore version once you have copied it over to 'Alt.Binz folder'\misc so you only need to do this once.
It shouldn't be causing Alt.Binz to stop unrarring though...

Offline geckturbo

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Re: and newer versions?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2007, 12:39:31 am »
 Thanks for the reply. I didn't meant to imply I thought it kept it from unrarring.I realize that is a problem with the settings, which is why I haven't upgraded to 0.26.8 yet.I'm trying to figure out where I'm going wrong.
 I haven't had any problems other than the unrarring, which was OK before my last upgrade,so I know it's just a box I didn't check or something(probably).
 I was just curious about the multi core thing.I looked in the alt.binz\misc and didn't see anything but since I really don't see how things could be running better(other than unrarring) I just wanted to make sure.I don't see any reason for it but that's because I'm a retard.If the developer says to do it I assume there is a good reason.
     Im running a Athlon 64 X2 5200+ Windsor BTW