Author Topic: Please help big problem. (Download queue lost with a power failure.)  (Read 2991 times)


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Hi there everybody.

Sorry if this is covered somewhere else, I'm too lazy to search right now and would like a quick response if possible :D

A had a power failure earlier and when I booted back up and got into Alt.Binz my download queue was lost. i.e. there is now nothing there.

Is there anyway to get it back? I have found a file in the misc dir under the install dir called "queue" which I'm guessing is where it would be stored, but it's just 1KB so obviously empty, at least I'm guessing.

It also appears that my downloading temp dir has been cleared, would this cause any problems with my already partially downloaded files? Or with an overall collection af .rars?

If I can't restore my queue, how can I re-import an .nzb in a way that will resume it where it was left off?
I tried re-importing the one I was downloading at the time, but Alt.Binz just starts downloading the whole thing from the start.
Should I just manually remove the already downloaded files?

Also is there anyway to prevent this in the future?


I just noticed that when I re-imported my .nzb (want to get back to downloading ASAP so this is my only option right now) the par2 checker isn't recognising the last file that I downloaded, although the file seems fine. Would re-downloading the small par2 for my collection help with this? Otherwise how to get it to see it?

I just used recheck par2 sets on start and it detected that last downloaded file OK.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 08:38:30 pm by BigWoop »

Offline Hecks

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Looks like you're out of luck with your queue and temp directory.  Maybe set a lower time in Setup > Miscellaneous > Autosave Queue.

As for re-importing, do you have Download History enabled? Setup > Download > Downloaded Articles > 'Keep download history for last X days'.  X can be a generous number, since the file (misc/dhistory.abz) is tiny (for me, anyway - I have mine set to 90 days = 66 KB).  Toggle 'Import already downloaded as paused' and you should be OK.


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It looks like it's not really as much of a problem as I thought originally :D

Anyways I already set it to save the queue every 1 min, which is as low as it can go I assume.

I didn't have download history enabled, buit have enabled it now as you suggested.
