I searched and found that this was marked as fixed, although I can't get it to work properly. Log entry:
[26/03/2009 12:41:45] [Main] [RSS] Refreshing
http://nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?subcat=41:COOKIE:uid=xxxxx:pass=xxxx[26/03/2009 12:41:46] [NZB] C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Alt.Binz\nzb\\Life on Mars US S01E16 720p HDTV X264 DIMENSION.nzb imported - 0 files
It downloads an NZB, but it's a 0kb file and thus no files are imported into Alt.Binz. I've tried it without :COOKIE:uid=xxxxx:pass=xxxx on the end of the feed URL as well, and it still doesn't work. It happens with all the NZB's downloaded from the feed. I'm running the latest contributor version of Alt.Binz on Vista x64 Ultimate.
Am I missing something when doing this, or is it simply broken?