Author Topic: RAMDrive for Temporary folder  (Read 1719 times)

Offline thefireman

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RAMDrive for Temporary folder
« on: December 13, 2017, 09:08:16 pm »
In the past days I have been experimenting with using a RAMDrive for the Temporary folder. As I don't have that much RAM to spare, I have set the size of the RAMDrive to 2GB. At first all was fine and I was also getting much better performance from the RAM Drive. Then when I was downloading a single file post hat was 3GB, I realized that this would not work with the RAMDrive. So I started avoiding such cases. Then I came to the second problem. When I was downloading some older files that had a lot of missing blocks, the backup provider could not keep up with the primary, so incomplete files started piling an the temp folder was filled very soon.

So I was wondering if it would be possible to still use the RAMDrive that works fine in the majority of the downloads and at the same time avoid the downloads from stopping when a problem arises (as those described above).

I was at a friend the other night and I saw that he had setup his PVR to record in multiple locations. The first folder was the preferred folder for saving the recordings. If the drive where this folder is located was low on space (you can define the minimum space allowed before switching to the next folder) then the recording will be saved on the next folder, unless this is also low on space and so on. This really impressed me, so I was wondering if such a logic could also be implemented in Alt.Binz for the Temporary Folder? If this would be possible it would also be a great idea to expand this option for the download folder as well.

What do you think about this? Is it worth implementing?

Offline Rdl

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Re: RAMDrive for Temporary folder
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2017, 09:18:51 pm »
Setup->Download #2->Article caching

Do not go crazy with size... Depending on file size you usualy download and decoding speed, 2x file size should be enough.
Start with 500 MB.

Offline thefireman

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Article Caching is a great feature
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2017, 09:51:18 pm »
Have tried this and it seems to be exactly what I was looking for.  :) Have set the Cache to 500MB and have done some extensive testing. Single collection download, 3 collections download at the same time, downloading a collection at the edge of the retention of a provider with a lot of missing articles, while setting up the fill server to 1 connection so that it can not catch up. :P It all worked ideally!!! 8)

When closing Alt.Binz the cache is saved to disk, all works just fine and the decryption speed when using the memory cache is fantastic! The only downside I noticed  is that when Alt.Binz crashed (I am getting a lot of those lately, mainly when I press the connect button twice in order to activate new passwords for the servers), all the cached articles were lost. You would say what would one expect? If Alt.Binz crashes, of course the cache will be lost. The thing is that these articles that were in the cache were considered as permanently missing and there was no try to download them again. So par2 files were downloaded to repair the rarset. In most cases, if the cache size is relatively small, this should be no problem. If things are tight (lots of incomplete files, or no par2 files available), then one can still manually import the NZB again.

In any case Article Caching is a great feature! For anyone that has missed it, like I did, I would strongly recommend that they activate this as soon as possible! ;)

Thank you RDL for another great feature!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 09:56:44 pm by thefireman »