Author Topic: RAR to ISO  (Read 6932 times)


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« on: May 10, 2007, 10:37:11 am »
Having DL my first large game file the problem is how do I obtain an ISO file to burn from a list of 30 RAR and PAR2 files that I now have in my Folder.
Should the altbinz have compiled the ISO file or do I have to unpack them to make the ISO?

Edit: Ive uppacked with RAR the first / largest of the RAR files 1.34G seen as ISO file / RAR archive in RAR. But when uncompressed the resulting folder / files dont show an ISO to burn only PSP BIN etc.

Offline Rdl

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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 01:09:31 pm »
Yes, altbinz should have unpacked those rars. Are you sure you've enabled unraring and restarted program after that.
What's inside those rars really doesn't matter and has nothing to do with alt.binz.


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« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 01:46:42 pm »
I have it on Autounrar.

Offline Rdl

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« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 06:09:37 pm »
Was there par2 set covering those rars? Was par2 set autoimported into par2 tab?


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« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 06:58:56 pm »
Par 2 tab on Set-up has 1,2,3 & 5 ticked.


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Getting there
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 11:07:56 pm »
Right, getting there. Found out that Winrar was tick checked ISO and when I unticked it and DL again I only got ISO and a dozen PAR2 files.
Therefor my question is it all OK by virtue of the fact that the ISO file exists, have the RAR2's been repaired because there is no RAR files in directory or are they still to be repaired and the ISO alters.
If they need repairing how do I get the missing blocks. Please guys be patient with me, I'm an old fart - I think I've done well so far.

Offline Hecks

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« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2007, 11:46:42 pm »
Small confusion here about the difference between RAR and PAR2 files, perhaps this site will help clarify this and a  few other things for you:

Slyck's Guide to Newsgroups:

I doubt very much that you downloaded an ISO that wasn't in a RAR archive, so I guess that altbinz has done its job here and downloaded the RAR archive, repaired it with the PAR2 repair blocks if need be, then unpacked the archive to create the ISO and deleted the RAR files.  It's a bit hard to tell from your post, but all of this information should be quite clearly readable in your log: it will tell you exactly which files have been downloaded and when, what actions were performed on them, and whether there were errors, etc.  



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« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2007, 12:10:48 am »
I'm sorry I don't make myself understood too clearly. as I said I am new to this lark and although PC literate, I find this stuff a little daunting.
Earlier when i DL a PS2 game (as a trial you understand) I managed to get a directory of RAR  and PAR2 files I didn't understand what next to do and assumed perhaps wrongly that I should have an ISO file as well.
I did a search on Google and found a post that suggested that I might have ISO checked in the WINRAR options incorrectly. I uncheckrd the ISO option, DL the file again. I wasn't around to watch what happened but on completion I found that this time there was an ISO file and a dozen PAR2 files in the directory.
I assumed that the ISO was in tact and that the alt.bitz programme had this time unpacked the RAR files and repaired the PAR2 files.
Could that be the case?

Offline p00ch

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« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2007, 08:46:53 am »
.par2 files are simply an efficient way of repairing any kind of file that gets posted to Usenet and might have its parts incomplete.

alt.binz can automatically check which and how many .par2 (parity) files you might need to complete the set, download them and repair the .rar files for you, and then extract the contents of the .rar files to disk and then delete them, leaving you with just the contents of the .rars - the .iso.

The .par2 files repair the .rar and then the .rar archive is extracted.

It hasn't deleted the .par2 files because you don't have the option checked to do so after repair, so they get left on your hard drive.

If you have the program, Winrar can also open .iso files as if they were a .rar or .zip archive - this is what your Google result referred to. It automatically sets itself to have .iso files identified with it.

However, alt.binz has done its job for you, so now you can burn the iso and play. ;)