Author Topic: rss and tv shows  (Read 2781 times)

Offline cptr2

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rss and tv shows
« on: November 07, 2007, 06:19:04 am »
Im a bit new to this but i am trying to setup the rss so it will download the tv shows I want. The problem is that usually every show gets posted twice in 2 groups but always show up in the rss feeds twice. However occasionally  a show will only show up under one group. How would I go about setting up some rss filter that will only grab one copy? Does anyone else know of a good feed to use or some tips as to what  feed parameters to use or how to set the filters? Or would i have to decide on one of the  groups and ignore the others hoping  the one i set in my filters gets the posts i want.

Another thing is that when i manually queue the items in the feed, alt.binz will recognize and group the posts under the same subject along with the par files. However when the timer is set and it automatically gets them it  does not associate and connect the par files or the duplicate posts under the same subject.

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 08:21:35 pm by cr4zyfr4g »

Offline domdom

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Re: rss and tv shows
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 08:13:10 pm »
I did use this
and it works well, the thing is this feed does not publish everything available e.g. Medium x264 for instance

is there a better feed out there?
--- edit ---
yes there is  ;D (thanks to the other thread) -> combine a regular and a H264 feed for tvshows
into one with and insert the result in altbinz !!! ;)

well the show shows up but then ...
[14/05/2008 07:04:01] [NZB] C:\Program Files\AltBinz\nzb\\xxx.HDTV.XviD.nzb imported - 0 files

so is it the NZB itself or the way Altbinz handles it?
of course manual download worked fine.
Any hint?

well it seems that you have to be "logged in" to be able to d/l the nzb!!!!!!
I will test it later on ...  ;D
once logged in, the site provides a RSS URL with added info you can use in altbinz which can be used without actually be logged into the website ... excellent!
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 12:27:22 am by domdom »