Author Topic: RSS auto downloader not working  (Read 2768 times)

Offline Baird GoW

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RSS auto downloader not working
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:57:09 am »
I am using build 41.1. I have a OMGWTF account and I have everything set up properly. The RSS is refreshing on its on and showing the list of new releases, however my filter list is not auto downloading like it is supposed to (the timer and add nzb first is also checked). not only that but even if I open the rss tab and right click one of the nzb to add to download cue it will not add it. Going through OMG tab still lets me add it though.
Thanks and best regards,

My Filters look like this:
*The*Daily*Show* | A
*Game*Thrones* | A
*Walking*Dead* | A
*South*Park* | A
*Archer* | A
*Family*Guy* | A
*Louie* | A
*Big*Bang*Theory* | A
*Mike*and*Molly* | A
*Raising*Hope* | A
*Girls* | A
*House*of*Lies* | A
*shameless* | A
*The*Newsroom* | A
*Episodes* | A
*Last*Week*Tonight* | A
*Silicon*Valley* | A
*Cosmos*Space*Time*Odyssey* | A
*The*Meltdown* | A
*fargo* | A
*Better*Call*Saul* | A
*Stephen*Colbert* | A

*Funny* | D
*Broke* | D
*Aqua* | D
*Push* | D
*Go* | D
*XviD* | D
*Blu-ray* | D
*Bluray* | D
*WEB*DL* | D
*req* | D
*Complete* | D
*French* | D
*German* | D
*1080* | D
*webrip* | D
*core2hd* | D
*EbP* | D
*Mystery* | D
*Bad* | D
*Gilmore* | D

Offline Rdl

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Re: RSS auto downloader not working
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 08:21:52 am »
New releases are all red or something is green also? Log file?

Offline HomelessJJ

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Re: RSS auto downloader not working
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2018, 07:57:40 am »
I am experiencing this problem and just noticed it in the last couple weeks.  I am using an RSS from NZBGeek.  Some of the items are added to the queue but not all.  The refresh seems to work fine.  All the releases are in Green.  I also have a problem manually adding some items from the list.  The dialog box will open allowing me to modify the NZB name and such, but sometimes it still does not add to the list.  As I am going through, it seems to add the previous item if I have already attempted to add it - but not always, as I cannot get that behavior to be consistent. Sometimes it will not add an item no matter what I do.

I removed the RSS and readded the feed and it picked up 2 of the 4 items in the feed.  I added additional items to the feed, they showed up on the timer refresh but those were not added to the queue.  They all stay green unless I manually attempt to added them to the queue, in which case the item turns blue.

I have only one feed and the filter is
* | A

the "Use Release Name" and the "Add NZB as First" buttons are pushed as well as the Timer button.  And I did update to the latest 0.44.3 release

Offline Rdl

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Re: RSS auto downloader not working
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2018, 08:28:17 am »
All the answers are in detailed log.

Offline HomelessJJ

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Re: RSS auto downloader not working
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2018, 05:15:18 pm »
The problem was on NZBGeek's side, they found the problem with a couple servers (which is why it was random), and they have fixed it on their end.

Thanks. I found the detailed log and found the RSS entries. I can see, and based on reading other similar problems in the past years on the forum, it looks like there is a problem with the NZBGeek feed.  The NZB is imported with 0 files (and from past forum posts I found, this would indicate the nzb is malformed somehow).  The old NZBs are not in the temp folder so I can't open them to see what the problem is/was.

I will check the NZBGeek forums for any info on their side or if you have any recommendations about how to avoid these types of issues I would appreciate the help - the releases I get added via RSS are usually those that are taken down quickly, so when they are delayed, they are usually also no longer available when I get a chance to sit in front of a computer to manually download them...

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 05:19:29 pm by HomelessJJ »

Offline Rdl

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Re: RSS auto downloader not working
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2018, 07:30:55 pm »
NZBs should be there - just not in temp folder, but in nzb folder (folder defined in setup->NZB #1 as default nzb folder)
Also, make sure you don't have "delete nzb after import" checked.