Hi there, I am trying to setup some RSS filters here. Here are the steps I followed to set this up:
1) I entered a url for the feed:
2) I pressed refresh, to get a list of files
3) I look at the names, and try to setup a matching filter
4) For example i would enter this:
show.s02*.hr.* | D
show.s02*.hdtv* | A
5) I now look back at the list (and close the filters tab), there is an episode called Show.S02E07.HDTV.XviD-NoTV listed, it matches my filter.
6) I press the Timer button.
7) And now my problem: the episode I used to create the filter, doesn't get added. Is this intended behaviour, are RSS feeds only added as soon as they get auto-refreshed by the 10min timer, and posts already there because of a manual refresh don't get added ?
Thanks !
Edited by Hecks