Author Topic: RSS is not downloading  (Read 1969 times)


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RSS is not downloading
« on: January 19, 2009, 10:47:13 pm »
RSS Feeds are not downloading automatically.
Ik probeer een RSS Feed op te zetten maar in de meeste gevallen download hij de nzb file niet.

I have tried the feed from and (personal)
from it is only downloading The Legend of the Seeker S01E08 when i clear and reactivate the timer.
The others are just not getting in there.
For I used the following filter:
* | A | | L:\Downloads\AltBinz\[TV Series]

For I have set the filters as shown below (example)
*smallville* | A
*x264* | D
I did this with all my series but it is just not working

When i rightclick the available RSS items and click: Add to download Queue. It also does not work accept for: The Legend of the Seeker S01E08.

Who can help me solve this problem? I have looking for a solution for days but i cannot seem to find anything.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 10:52:57 pm by sjikkervisje »

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Re: RSS is not downloading
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2009, 11:16:45 pm »
Firstly, if your filters are working OK, then the items that are to be downloaded will be highlighted in green.  That will at least sort out whether this bit is the problem.

Secondly, check your Log for error messages.

Thirdly, there is a long-standing problem with the site - actually two problems, first with the sometimes failing database connections, second with the faulty implementation by the site of gzip compression, as reported in this thread among others:

There's little that Alt.Binz can do about this (SABnzbd users report the same issue).  Alternative: try nzbs dot org (register first and click on RSS link for instructions to use direct downloading from feed) or tvbinz dot net (no registration, click on Help link for feed info).


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Re: RSS is not downloading
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 08:18:33 pm »
The filters are greend, thats no problem.

I tried tvbinz dot org and that is working fine.  :-D.

Thanks very much.