Author Topic: search function ?  (Read 1833 times)


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search function ?
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:36:07 pm »
I am used to Ultraleecher's Ultrasearch very easy to use search function in order to quickly find a particular RAR or PAR file,  but now want to switch to altbinz. I have installed it and NZB-downloading work fine.
However when I try to use the search as explained in the wiki, e.g. on a keyword, in any of the search engines, when I click on search button no files are returned. I tried to change retention to all or 70 days or so, but without success. So application doesn't seem to react, apart from the search button dissapearing for a second or two, as if nothing could be found.  ???

Offline Rdl

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Re: search function ?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2009, 01:37:25 pm »
almost all search engines in 0.25.0 are dead as stated in this sticky thread which obviously no1 reads