Author Topic: Slow speeds with AltBinz (tried another program and got much faster speeds)  (Read 1591 times)

Offline n1vision

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Hi Rdl,

I have been using AltBinz for a long time since I like the user interface. But I am having issues with getting slow download speeds:

I recently upgraded my internet speed to 1200 Mbps down plan.
Using a single standard gigabit ethernet connection, on the Speedtest app my connection maxes out at 940 Mbps.
Using Altbinz for downloads with a major usenet provider, my download speeds are only 500 Mbps (475 - 510 or so).
Even though Speed Test app already proved that I am hitting 940 Mbps, to be extra sure the issue is not on my end, I tested another popular web-based newsreader app and am getting ~880 Mbps download speeds.

So in short:
Altbinz = maxing out a bit below 500 Mbps most of the time, occasionally a bit higher (e.g. 510 Mbps).
Other popular news reader used to compare speeds since Altbinz was slower than my internet connection (I can mention name if you want) = 880 Mbps for the same file...[/b]
I am using SSL on both news readers

Is there anything I can do to improve speed with Altbinz?
I would like to continue using Altbinz, but not if I cannot get ~880 Mbps with Albinz as well...

Looking forward to your suggestions / assistance to get max speed out of Altbinz...

Offline n1vision

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PS: I cannot edit the message above anymore, but wanted to add that it seems several others had the same exact issue: