Author Topic: Stuck@Square1, No Downloads, No Reader Access, Clueless, Plz Help!  (Read 2642 times)


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  First, I'm pretty Clueless; I had NewsRover working fine with Usenet Monster for a couple years, but have defaulted my Credit Card, and can't get the idiots to accept a Check.  So I paid for a month and downloaded AltBinz....which I thought WAS a Newsrover style Reader.

  Now I can get some binaries listed on the altBinz at the .nl binaries site, but can only way it seems that I can initiate a download is under the NZB NO IDEA what that is, I assure you! ...just poking around in desperation.  I want those pics, lol!

   The info there states (sorta like) "~can't get the file~", "is Newsrover running?"  Yeah, I can turn it on, but is says under some log page or another...account on hold, denied... So I'm trying to use nGroups, obviously.
   Why would I need NewsRover?

     Can't I just get a downloads from altbinz alone, or by using it with Ngroups?  (Is the server there 

     I can NOT get Newsrover to accept another blocks me out, like it and the Monster are tied togther like windows and Explorer supposeldy were. I get.... "you can only subscribe to newsgroups at UsenetMonster dot com".  So No Newsrover...and I thought AltBinz was going to take it's place.

   What's a fella to do?  I'm software clueless, can't talk about ports and NTTP's and file Xfer protocols.  It should all make some little bit of sense in plain English.....

  What's my missing link here?  One has to comunicate with the other...I think I want to get AltBinz to Recognize nGroups as my Reader, or whatever, but don;t see any configuration tabs like NewsRover has to make it a defaulty, automatic thing....   I'd use NewRover, I'm not particular, but can't get it to look at nGroups.

   I hope this is an easy fix...

  thanks, all.



Offline LM

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Re: Lokt Out of My NewsRover, Can't Get AltBinz 2Use nGroups, Help!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2008, 10:04:32 pm »
Q: What are the server addresses?

A: We have two server systems:

    * US:
    * Europe:

insert correct one under altbinz-setup-servers

Offline DM8Mydog

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Re: Stuck@Square1, No Downloads, No Reader Access, Clueless, Plz Help!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2008, 10:22:43 pm »
alt.binz is not a 'usenet reader' (or 'usenet browser').

alt.binz is a usenet downloader, plain and simple, and it uses NZBs to queue stuff up for download.

That said, usenet is so big that using a usenet reader for binaries is painful, too much information to manually browse through.

That's where nzbs come into play, you can use any nzb site or usenet search engine (they auto generate nzb files) (ie, newzleech, binsearch, nzbindex... to name a few ) or, if using one of the newer donation-ware versions just skip this step entirely and use the search engine alt.binz supports in it. (the older versions might have trouble parsing the html cause the engine sites tend to add stuff to their layout)

Offline davidq666

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Re: Stuck@Square1, No Downloads, No Reader Access, Clueless, Plz Help!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2008, 10:28:09 am »

  First, I'm pretty Clueless; I had NewsRover working fine with Usenet Monster for a couple years, but have defaulted my Credit Card, and can't get the idiots to accept a Check.  So I paid for a month and downloaded AltBinz....which I thought WAS a Newsrover style Reader.

  Now I can get some binaries listed on the altBinz at the .nl binaries site, but can only way it seems that I can initiate a download is under the NZB NO IDEA what that is, I assure you! ...just poking around in desperation.  I want those pics, lol!

   The info there states (sorta like) "~can't get the file~", "is Newsrover running?"  Yeah, I can turn it on, but is says under some log page or another...account on hold, denied... So I'm trying to use nGroups, obviously.
   Why would I need NewsRover?

     Can't I just get a downloads from altbinz alone, or by using it with Ngroups?  (Is the server there 

     I can NOT get Newsrover to accept another blocks me out, like it and the Monster are tied togther like windows and Explorer supposeldy were. I get.... "you can only subscribe to newsgroups at UsenetMonster dot com".  So No Newsrover...and I thought AltBinz was going to take it's place.

   What's a fella to do?  I'm software clueless, can't talk about ports and NTTP's and file Xfer protocols.  It should all make some little bit of sense in plain English.....

  What's my missing link here?  One has to comunicate with the other...I think I want to get AltBinz to Recognize nGroups as my Reader, or whatever, but don;t see any configuration tabs like NewsRover has to make it a defaulty, automatic thing....   I'd use NewRover, I'm not particular, but can't get it to look at nGroups.

   I hope this is an easy fix...

  thanks, all.



First of all... calm down... take a deep breath.
So now let's find out what exactly your problem is.I am not familar with usenet monster and newsrover and how they work together. but i seems you want to use altbinz with at least for now.
first thing would be to get the email with your account info from n groups and by copy and paste fill in all relevant info in altbinz. this would be in settings servers. there u chose a name for the server and paste in server-adress. then right below ur username and password.
now you should be able to connect to the servers.

to start downloading by either searching the nzb sites and usenet indexer that dm8mydog mentioned or use the browsing function of newzleech aeton or yabse to look through your favorite groups for posts. if you found what your looking for download the nzb file and open it with altbinz.

your ready 2 go

Edith: If this doesn't work be specific what exactly is not working

Offline Hecks

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Re: Stuck@Square1, No Downloads, No Reader Access, Clueless, Plz Help!
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2008, 06:16:42 pm »

What's my missing link here? 


Please note: this forum isn't for basic usenet usage, but for specific help with using the Alt.Binz software.  May I suggest that you invest a  bit of time reading the link(s) before requesting any further help, should you still need it. ;)