Author Topic: Task scheduler Vista 32 bit and alt.binz  (Read 2496 times)


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Task scheduler Vista 32 bit and alt.binz
« on: October 22, 2007, 12:22:15 pm »
Hi, I have been using alt.binz happily on my old xp machine and using the scheduler to wake up the machine out of hibernation to download off-peak. No problems.
I am not having much luck with vista tho on the new rig. I have gone thru the basic wizard for a scheduled task and nominated as the action :
"C:\Program Files\AltBinz\altbinz.exe"

On testing when I attempt to run the task altbinz does not seem to fire up(no window apparent) but I notice that when you check with task manager altbinz.exe is up and running as a process. No actual downloading is happening tho and no window (minimized included) is showing.

Do I have to put any optional arguments as part of the action properties?

I may be missing something basic but for the life of me I cant see what.

I have had a play around with the inbuilt scheduler in alt.binz and I guess I could go with this(do you have to change each little square individually?) but it is frustrating that I cant get a basic scheduled exe to fire off.

Looking forward to any suggestions.

Great program by the way.


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Re: Task scheduler Vista 32 bit and alt.binz
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 03:44:35 pm »
Quote from: "Batttlexe55"

Looking forward to any suggestions.

Great program by the way.


Best suggestion - GET RID OF VISTA!!!

enough said. :)

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Task scheduler Vista 32 bit and alt.binz
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2007, 08:04:32 pm »
Not sure why you can't get task scheduler to launch Alt.binz in Vista - maybe a permissions thing, perhaps a search of the Vista forums might help? - but I can tell you from experience that it's absolutely fine to leave Alt.binz running in the background, and just use scheduler to wake up the PC.  Leave the Connect button permanently 'on', but make sure you uncheck Setup > Connection > Connect While Idle.
