Author Topic: Unraring problems  (Read 2511 times)


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Unraring problems
« on: August 30, 2007, 01:48:16 am »
Hi, I just downloaded a game. When it finished the PAR2 thingies were still paused, so I downloaded them manually, then after that I opened the PAR2 and it said "Need 344 blocks."

Then I downloaded the latest version of PAR2, opened it and selected all the files (to be UNRAR'ed) and clicked create, and then verify - everything worked and it said  no reparing needs to be done.

But when I tried to unrar the stuff it says something about Invalid header and says some of the files are still corrupt after the PAR2 thingy said it's not corrupt. Is there any way I can extract this...

Offline Hecks

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Unraring problems
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2007, 02:37:22 am »
Try Quickpar -> WinRar?  Looks like you have an invalid PAR2 set, though.
