My delete empty folders never worked 100%- was hit and miss most of the time.
What did work for me, was the following:I downloaded the new unrar.dll
http://www.rarlab.com/rar/UnRARDLL.exemade this awfull script to wait until altbinz starts and copy over the new unrar.dll:
cd\Program Files\AltBinz\
START altbinz.exe
PING -n 1 -w 13000 >NUL
copy /Y "c:\altbinz\unrar.dll" "C:\Documents and Settings\Downloads\Local Settings\Application Data\Alt.Binz\misc\"
I use
davidq666's simple-clean-up.bat, but added one line extra to give my slow pc a chance to extract and move everything over.
PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL
del %1\*.nfo
del %1\*.jpg
del %1\*.png
del %1\*.sfv
del %1\*.srr
rd %1
Now my downloads extract 100% and the empty folders get deleted. Tested it with 5 different downloads.
I think adding the delay in the simple clean up script is whats doing the trick. The pc I use to download is quite old... a pentium 4, so it gives it a bit extra time to do whatever.