« Last post by Slinky on Yesterday at 11:08:23 am »
sorry, found a bug in the process you explained to me the other day regarding deleting single entries in the global search history list.
I did as you said, once opening the global search history box, and used the arrow keys to move down, all went well for roughly 3 boxes/pages worth of scrolling down, then the list freezes and the selected item cycles back to the top of the visible items in the "frozen" list, kind of like it's reached the bottom of the list, but it hasn't, not by a long shot according to the scroll bar.
this issue does not appear if you grab the scroll bar and move it with the mouse, also, if you use that method to get past the "sticking point" it repeats it again about the same distance down again.
Found this as i was litterally starting at the top and removing old entries or mistypes in the list