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Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 03, 2024, 03:38:23 pm »
Thanks Rdl
I was thinking yesterday the same, that it is my pc after all.
I'll let you know what I find out.
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by Rdl on November 03, 2024, 07:28:06 am »
It looks like very slow HDD (very unlikely) or something not being turned off and still scaning (you can verify this by monitoring task manager for cpu usage/hdd activity)
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 02, 2024, 11:51:50 pm »
So it is not Malwarebytes or Defender as I did a download and it was happening and I paused it and turned off both and resumed the download and same thing happened. I thought it was in the decoding of each file but it is not. It happens on both - the download and the decoding. It just pauses both for about 5- 8 sec and the speed goes to zero then resumes and goes up to about 600 Mbps and then back to zero in about 10 seconds and over and over till its done.

So strange.
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 02, 2024, 04:04:42 am »
Sorry another reply but I thought I would try Newshostings downloader and see if any issues. Well it doesn't download nearly as fast as yours . Like I topped at 251 Mbits. And I have a 1500 line and yours does that. Actually I hit 1541 with yours. But it downloaded with no fluctuation.
Anyway there was a note  or message with the downloader and it said

If after downloading articles the Newshosting newsreader client appears to hang (showing no progress) while processing and decoding the articles downloaded, Windows Defender may be blocking writes to the Newshosting downloads folder. In this situation, the downloads folder configured in the Newshosting newsreader client should be excluded from Windows Defender protection. The steps on Windows 10 and 11 are similar, but with slight differences:

I run Malwarebytes Premium so it sort of overrides Defender but I have added to exclusions my Folder Alt Binz.
But I just added it to Defender too.

Will see.
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 02, 2024, 03:39:29 am »
I just watched more closely and the download starts off fine and gets up to a500 mbps but after a minute or two the decoding gets behind it seems and that when the speed slows down as the files that have been downloaded need decoding and that slows the process.
Is there a fix for that?

I added just a bit of the log file at the end. I hope that might show you something. I wanted it small enough I could send.

I don't recall decoding in the past causing speed to fluctuate. It went right down to 0 Mbps while decoding.
Thanks again for your help.
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 01, 2024, 10:02:23 pm »
I tried sending the log file but it didn't go with last post? Too Big I guess 28.6 MB.
But I don't see anything re speed.
Just article started and article finished for the most part.
Mind you I could be missing something.
I will try again and really pay attention to the time etc it does this, then I can at least copy and paste to a replay of what I saw.
I see  now that you only allow a small amount of KB to send as an attachment.
I will watch it now and see. But I went threw a whole file and as I mentioned I only see started article and finished article. Nothing mentioned about speed. At least what I see.
I will respond once I see more closely times etc. and I can send in that part of the log file.

Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by Rdl on November 01, 2024, 06:17:14 am »
When I say disconnect/connect - I mean connection will do that. You won't see it via connect button. But log will show it.
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on November 01, 2024, 01:04:48 am »
Yes that is exactly right. It stalls and resumes without doing anything. Just the connect button is on. So strange. I forgot about the logs. Thanks I ll look
Help / Re: speed issue
« Last post by Rdl on October 31, 2024, 08:44:22 pm »
Anything in detailed log when it slows down? Does it stalls connection and then resumes without disconnect/connect?
Help / speed issue
« Last post by LoWd0Wn on October 31, 2024, 05:27:57 pm »
Been a long time user of altbinz and love it but my problem - I believe is in my usenet supplier - newshosting,  but not sure. I have checked my setting in Alt binz and because it worked so flawlessly for many years I dont think it is it.
I had a 1 gig download plan and it always downloaded at about 915 mbps for the duration. about 2 months ago I started downloading 4k files and the downloads are longer and I would get to about 50% of the download  done and the speed would drop right down to zero and back up to about 40-500 and back down till it finished. Very annoying. I reached out to Newshosting and they gave me some alternate server settings which helped for a bit but its back. This issue just seemed to happen once I started with longer  files. 4K. 20 gigs to 30 gig files I try to stay with.
I also checked in with my ISP and asked if I was being throttled and they said no.
I just upgraded my plan to 1.5 Gig download which is awesome. My speed test was 1542 Mbps. But half way thru my download I get throttled sort off. It is up and then down and back up and back down. Right to 0.  Then back up again.  So not your typical throttle that was happening back in the early 2000's.
Smaller files of approx 2 gigs to 8 gigs are no issue.
I have my download set at 2500 Mbps in altbinz.
Does anyone have an idea what it could be.
Anyone have had anything like this.
Many thanks

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