Author Topic: 2nd Autoimport Folder with Priority Import for Dropbox Sync  (Read 2823 times)

Offline therealjoeblow

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2nd Autoimport Folder with Priority Import for Dropbox Sync
« on: November 16, 2012, 08:26:20 pm »
I have my autoimport folder set to put new .nzb's at the bottom of the queue, paused, so I can review them later and decide if I really want them; that way when browsing my .nzb provider's indexes I can be quite liberal with what I throw in the queue.

However, sometimes when away from my main machine I find something that I would like to throw into the front of the queue and have it download immediately, but there's no current way to do that automatically and remotely.

What I was thinking of doing is setting up dropbox sync so I can throw a .nzb into dropbox from a remote location, and the machine running alt.binz will get the file through the sync addon, and if I could then configure alt.binz to use that as a second autoimport folder with different settings (ie, put at top of queue, unpaused), then when I get home my files should be sitting there waiting for me  :)

Cheers and thanks!
The REAL Joe