I'd like to see complete support for UTF-8 filenames in a future Alt.Binz version. At the moment it would appear that unicode support is completely missing from Alt.Binz.
- If a NZB filename contains Unicode characters, Alt.Biz silently fails to open it.
- If a NZB xml header specifies UTF-8 encoding, Alt.Binz decodes it a ASCII resulting in filenames with bogus strings.
- PAR2 file repair and split file joining doesn't support UTF-8 filenames within PAR2 files.
Currently this forces me to run all UTF-8 PAR2 files through MultiPar so it will repair the bogus filenames which Alt.Binz created. The simple incomplete solution would be to support using MultiPar's PAR2 library with Alt.Binz instead of par2cmdline, but other than the author listing it as 'freeware', it's unclear what sort of license the code is under.