Author Topic: Add a search engine: Bintube  (Read 7600 times)

Offline chipped

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Add a search engine: Bintube
« on: January 30, 2009, 04:58:02 pm »

Why add Bintube? Because out of all the current built in search engines tabs Newzleech is the only good one, when its working...

Newzleech has been up and down more times than Pamela Anderson in the past 6 months. Would be nice to have a backup search engine that... well... works lol

Please take it into consideration,

Thank you

Offline Hecks

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 05:17:36 pm »
How do you get the idea that Newzleech "is the only good one"?  Binsearch is much faster, doesn't have the Giganews-related problem with incompletes, and actually enables you to search within season posts (the current grouping on Newzleech is weak, IMHO).  aEton is a Binsearch clone.  NZBIndex produces the most consistently reliable results, with info missing from Binsearch (like single filesizes) and some nice convenience options (e.g. only Completes).  NLSS is the best for 'live' searches for those who have a license - although it also indexes from Giganews, with its problems.  And this is before we get to RSS ...

Have you even tried any of these?

Anyway, would be a far better addition than horrible slow Bintube. ;)

Offline chipped

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 12:24:07 am »
I used Global Search to compare results, turns out my Search Parameters need to be a little more general :P

Like if I searched for "conan 360" it would say no results, even though when I search for just "conan" there are results with "360" in the name  ???

Anyways, my bad.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2009, 12:35:50 am »
One thing that Newzleech does that others don't is partial word searches.  So Binsearch et al will find 'conan xbox360' but not 'conan 360', since 'xbox360' is indexed by it as a whole word.

This is, of course, when Newzleech is actually not down, as currently. :P

Personally, I find this partial word search quite annoying, since it tends to return many irrelevant results. On the other hand, you need to be more careful with your searches with other sites.  Horses for courses ...

Offline therealjoeblow

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2009, 06:41:42 pm »

Second the request for BinTube.

Newzleech and Binsearch databases are *both* trashed for very old posts.

I just loaded the oldest headers in and a.b.hdtv.x264 in Agent v-5, and a very high percentage of posts that are clearly still retained and downloadable in those groups on GigaNews cannot be found by searching either Newzleech or Binsearch, but are no problem with BinTube.

I don't know when/where NL and  BS went fubar, but this has been going on for a while now with stuff I know is there but not being returned in the searches.

And until last week, you could use the browse feature with posts >190d etc. with NL and turn up most (but still not all) of the existing posts, but as of a day or two ago, their database is so b0rked that most of what comes up is jibberish, with very few real results that are still on the servers.

BS is not much better, it returns no results for most of what I search for that I can clearly see the headers in Agent.

BinTube does not appear to have these problems, their database appears to be accurate and intact for old posts.

Cheers and thanks!
The REAL Joe

Offline Hecks

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2009, 09:10:49 pm »
Here are the retention stats for Binsearch:

Do you have examples of posts that can't be found within those retentions in either the Popular or Others lists (you have to search both)?  I'm curious to know, as I've not experienced what you describe with Binsearch.  Newzleech is of course another matter ...obviously have lots of problems atm. :(

Offline therealjoeblow

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2009, 11:40:32 pm »
I've experienced this on dozens and dozens of posts.  Here's three examples:

#1) @ 162d old: - REQ 55494


Search for either string on BinTube turns it up.  The headers are there in Agent.  Search for any of the text on Binsearch returnz zilch at 162d.  Even a simple search like "new kids dvdrip" fails on Binsearch.  Searching for similar strings though for other posts which are newer do show up on BS, so I don't believe it's a syntax issue, just the data is physically missing from the database.

#2) @ 201d old: - req 52348


Again, any search for these strings on BinTube turns op the post, so does an actual header pull from Giganews.  Searching for any of it, even something simple like "North Face" or "north 720p" on Binsearch returns nothing

#3) @ 173d old: Presents: #54813


Also shows in BinTube and Agent.  Nada with Binsearch.  Even "Letterman Streep" fails BS.

...This could go on for hundreds of examples, but I think I've made my point, Binsearch's database is fubar'ed, BinTube's isn't.

I noticed this because I usually just use Newzleech to browse the groups I like with the >190d date range feature, but when it started giving jibberish results a few days ago, I started pulling the old headers with Agent, and when I saw something I wanted, I did a Binsearch for it to try and add it to alb.binz the easy way, and lo-and-behold, nothing showed up.  So I checked the web interface for BS to make sure it wasn't an alt.binz issue and had same results, that's when I discovered that BinTube had the posts properly indexed.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:47:36 pm by therealjoeblow »

Offline Hecks

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2009, 12:46:05 am »
Hmm, results are indeed variable, looks like Binsearch had a brainfart over those ... and Newzleech and NZBIndex, which don't show them either.  Maybe it's the NSP used for headers, maybe it's the db (they changed their storage servers recently), maybe it's propagation issues, who knows. 

And yet there are plenty of other examples where the opposite is the case.  To take a few at random:

112 days

- Shows on Bintube and Newzleech as only 7% complete.

115 days

- Shows on Bintube as 3% complete

123 days

- Shows on Bintube and Newzleech as 9% complete.

And in a different example where grouping makes searching more difficult, in common with Newzleech: - REQ 51838 -
204 days

Shows on Bintube as 2% complete - maybe because the rest of this and other the eps seem to have been grouped under e08?

(when testing these note the 50 char max in the Bintube search box)

So I guess the moral of the tale is: use more than one site always. ;)

« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 12:48:53 am by Hecks »

Offline EyeBaller

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2009, 02:30:13 am »

So I guess the moral of the tale is: use more than one site always. ;)

I agree. So +1 for adding bintube, more options are never a bad thing.

Offline jadiboo

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2009, 11:37:02 am »
+ 1 for adding bintube

I've been using Newsleecher with supersearch for a long time.
And as supersearch is not always accurate and often down, there is 3 nzb sites I use more than others :
- Binsearch
- Newsleech
- and... Bintube

Today with Alt.binz, Binsearch and Newsleech work just fine. But the others don't.
Beta.binaries, NZBindex, and Yabse are useless for me. So Bintube instead (or added) would be perfect.

BTW, thanks for doing better than Newsleecher!
They've been doing new betas since about 2 years, and nothing important was improved (while you pay for a license you already paid, and a much too expensive erratic supersearch service).

Offline jadiboo

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2009, 10:30:56 pm »
Just to add something about bintube.
It has 430 days retention now, to follow the best providers like giganews going to more than 200 days retention (365 days for giganews).

Binsearch has 240 days, and Newsleech 200.

Offline Hecks

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2009, 11:55:38 pm »
Giganews does not have 365 days retention, it has 249 days growing to 365. 

What's the point of any indexing site currently having 430 days retention?  That's just silly.  The other indexing sites will be tracking & matching the growth in Giga's retention as per usual.

Welcome to Newzleech
Here we offer a free usenet search with nzb creation. We use auto-grouping technology and have 240 days retention.

So no need for any more disinformation here. ;)

Offline jadiboo

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2009, 02:24:59 am »
Well ok Hecks. Everyone can understand the commercial use of tricking with numbers, but that's not the point.
My aim is not to relay any kind of "disinformation" given by one or another, but just to say that Bintube is a very good indexing site. It's reliable, accurate, and plus it's trying to anticipate the growing retention of providers. (question and answer given in the url I pasted about its debatable utility ;) )

That's why I would be happy to see it one day implemented in alt.binz.   ;D

Offline dacaid

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2009, 08:38:03 pm »
Bumping that thread with a +1

Reason : newzleech currently down and NLSS won't come back.

I only use binsearch now, and tried others i don't use (test keyword "heroes", i believe this is casual)
- : no result so far (down?)
- NZBindex : slow (thought it was down 20 sec, then result appeared)
- yabse : no result so far (down?)

Offline d4f0rc3

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Re: Add a search engine: Bintube
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2009, 09:46:33 pm »
the only good one in altbinz atm is nzbindex, binsearch is not good anymore, a lot is not being found. best is still newzbin but not all have an account. I second adding some new search engines.