Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Topic started by: jp10558 on February 13, 2007, 10:05:43 pm
Title says it all.
I don't have access there so I cannot implement it
wow didnt even know uns had a search.. switched to them yesterday fron Newshosting.. seems much better value for money.. more than double the retntioon & ssl & 10 ports.. and now just seen the search
would love to see the search in abz.. but first we need to get rdl to switch too uns;)
p.s there is a 3day one off signup available for $3...
can paypal it ya if you wanna check it out rdl?
Hey, that really *is* good value for money. And there's a referral program, and an affiliate program ...
Altbinz really should be listed on this page:
more than double the retntioon
Doubt that... Even though Newshosting's 15$ plan 'officially' has 45 day retention, you get the '70+ Day Retention' via NZB... and according to their support newsgroup that isn't going away.
Usenetserver is probably still better value for the money, but we'll have to play fair, now don't we :wink:
Edit: And maybe actually even longer retention (
you get the 70+ day retention on their non unlimited services
unlimited for $14.95 = 45days
have been with them for over a year and never once had anything past 46days..
usenetserver are now in giganews territory (90days (soon 100) & ssl for free
except the pricing is in newshosting territory
just hope they can keep up the good service with such a small price for all that
unlimited for $14.95 = 45days
Just not true... unlimited for $14.95 = 45days via headers, but a lot more using nzb... I have for instance just pulled down 80 days old files using the unlimited for $14.95...
Edit: And I've just successfully pulled 100 day old files down...
lol :wink:
I personally think 'cool' would have been more fitting, but all right.
Small test using Newshostings 14.95$ unlimited account:
125 days: No can do
123 days: par2 says 33 blocks out of 40 on the file i tried
120 days: About the same as 123...
116 days: Complete
I think that's pretty sweet :D
I personally think 'cool' would have been more fitting, but all right.
Small test using Newshostings 14.95$ unlimited account:
125 days: No can do
123 days: par2 says 33 blocks out of 40 on the file i tried
120 days: About the same as 123...
116 days: Complete
I think that's pretty sweet :D
It is pretty sweet. Usenetserver doesn't have quite the same retention, though they are getting up there @ ~90 days. SSL for free with built in search and ~$13 a month with the quarterly purchases did it for me. Save money, get more features, and decent retention.
Yep, signed up as well, getting very good completion and speeds so far (though the site has some dodgy security).
But the search function is *horrible*. Only the narrowest search terms get you what you want (no wildcards), then it's all manual selection from there. Can't see the need to add it to alt.binz in its current form, myself.
Does anyone knows what the exact link is for the search?