Author Topic: All Search Engines - Right-click option addition  (Read 2606 times)

Offline ericab

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All Search Engines - Right-click option addition
« on: October 18, 2007, 11:07:58 pm »
this morning i was searching for Millennium season 1-3 on alt.binz... using 3 search engines; newzbin, newzleech, and binsearch.

...there were a bunch of totally unrelated items i didnt want, mixed with a bunch i did want... however they were spread across multiple "pages."

take newzleech for example.
how about adding the ability to right click on a single post (thats not in a collection obviously) and clicking

"search for 'asdfghjkl' on newzleech" or whatever the file is you have selected?

that way, everything with an almost exact name is displayed in the search results and you can just queue everything in the window (ctrl + A) without worrying about downloading random files you don't want.

(yes; i know there is a "copy to clipboard" option)

Offline Hecks

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All Search Engines - Right-click option addition
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 11:19:20 pm »
How is altbinz to determine what is the valid portion of the subject line to search for?  That kind of thing usually needs manual intervention, since the patterns are so irregular.  I can't see how this would work in practice, tbh.  Perhaps you can provide an example?

You need to brush up on your search skillz a bit, methinks.  Just as with any other kind of search engine, garbage in = garbage out.  For example, if you're looking for recent TV posts, look in a.b.multimedia for subjects with REQ numbers, then just search against those numbers.  Bingo.

So, search for "req 33486" on Newzleech to get the whole of the first season of the series you were looking for, "req 33487" for the whole of the second, "req 33488" for the whole of the third.  That took me exactly 30 seconds to find. :).
Otherwise search against release names, that should narrow down your options enough to actually work out what you want.  Anything that doesn't have a well-formed release name isn't worth downloading anyway. :P

And make better use of the age & size options, and any others that contribute to the query server-side (the +/- filters also have their place, but obviously won't  reduce the number of results returned by the server).
