Author Topic: Auto Disbale 'Article not found' Server  (Read 2374 times)

Offline ViruzZ

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Auto Disbale 'Article not found' Server
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:14:28 pm »
Would be nice to have an option that will Automatically and temporally (until next NZB/Collection is started) disable a server when you get Article not found error.

For example, say i have one main server and 2 backup servers, and the file is only located on the second backup server but not on the main or the first backup server.
Right now it will try to download the file to infinity from both servers even thou its not there, so it downloads from one server that has the files and try to download from 2 other servers that dont have the file, it seriously slows down the speed of the download, because when i manually disable both servers that dont have this file and leave only one, the speed is doubled.

So basically could you please add an option that will allow us to choose for example if you get 'Article not found' error to stop trying after X amount of tries until you move to next NZB/Collection.

Thanks, Ben