Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Topic started by: Ruca85 on January 29, 2023, 09:30:23 pm
Hello, it's possible to implement a feature to auto-rename obfuscated files (files with no extension) without PARs?
Posting on usenet without PARs is stupid and that is all I have to say on that topic.
I have seen this feature implementation discussed in a forum from a concurrent software... but if it´s stupid talking about it, let the matter die here. ;)
Curious how this would even be possible? I was always under the impression that was one of the primary functions of the par files, to repair (including rename) incorrect files. Without the pars to give instructions to the program, how would that even work?
For an nzb containing a single item (one movie, or one TV episode) the final output file could just be renamed to the nzb name. I'm 99% sure that is already an option in Alt.Binz (but I have it disabled):
Setup > Par2 > Unrar > Auto rename video file to collection name
For an nzb containing a collection of multiple items (for example a whole TV season), that would complicate things. If Alt.Binz already can handle that I am not sure :o
Edit: After re-reading the original post, I suppose auto extract / rename may not work if the files have no extension :-[
If there were an sfv file (and no pars) Alt.Binz can use the sfv for renaming. I do use that. Not sure if it is automatic or requires a setting.
I've just bumped into this for the first time in "real life." The Ninja Central indexer has non par releases, that somehow SABNzbd can handle the rename. It's only the one indexer, so doesn't appear to be adopted widely yet, but interesting for the future.