Author Topic: Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?  (Read 3385 times)


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Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« on: August 10, 2007, 04:17:23 am »
Hello Alt.Binz Community! :D

At first is to say that Alt.Binz is a great Newsreader/Grabber!With a few Bugs but the Functions are Great!  :D

I think that one Function where a Revolution.Is it possible to add a Chat Function in Alt.Binz.!Where people can talk about the Usenet content and to compare their notes & their experiences of a post!
The improvement of this will be when you can couple this with some searchmachines like newsleech or binsearch to compare the searchresults, in terms of links, with other users?

Please can you tell me,is this possible:?:  

I'm sorry about my bad english! ;)

Greetings from Germany
Dirty78  8)

Offline Gompy

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Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 08:47:19 pm »
Which bugs?


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Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2007, 03:34:39 am »
Hello Gompy! :)

Nice to see that someone show my post and read it. ;)

But my Question was about a Chatfunction in Alt.Binz  :!:

When i want to talk about the bugs i post this in the Bug Forum :idea: !

Greetz Dirty78  8)

Offline Gompy

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Re: Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2007, 04:33:23 pm »
Quote from: "Dirty78"

At first is to say that Alt.Binz is a great Newsreader/Grabber!With a few Bugs but the Functions are Great!  :D
Dirty78  8)

You wrote about there were some bugs, so WHICH bugs?

Rdl had stopped the developing of Alt.binz.

Regards, Gompy


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Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2007, 06:56:24 pm »
Dear Gompy,

What then never come a new Version of Alt.Binz?

Oh no! I've saw now the Thread "TheFutureOf..." !  Damn its a powerfull Newsreader the best I've ever seen with the best innovations! And now this! :(

Now the Chatfunction combined with the Searchengines will be propable a dream that never come true  !

Ok, i talk to you about the bugs i have.

1. I think there is a bug in the autounrar/autorepair function! When the Files are uncomplete Alt.Binz don't import the par2 files by themself to repair fileset & autounrar! Is this normal?

2. Sometimes i want to import a nzb File and it don't shows up in my DL List !

3. In the Newzleech Search i can see the posts sort as collections but on double-click i can't see the single Files of them!Only when i ad them to queue.

Greetz  8)

Offline Hecks

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Chatfunction in Alt.Binz?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 02:28:14 am »
Quote from: "Dirty78"

Ok, i talk to you about the bugs i have.

1. I think there is a bug in the autounrar/autorepair function! When the Files are uncomplete Alt.Binz don't import the par2 files by themself to repair fileset & autounrar! Is this normal?

No. Something is wrong with the PAR2 file(s) you downloaded, or you haven't configured the Setup > PAR2 options properly.


2. Sometimes i want to import a nzb File and it don't shows up in my DL List !

Then it's not a valid NZB file.  Try opening it in Notepad, most likely it's empty - or, if you're using Newzleech, you've probably tried to include too many files in one NZB (the Newzleech engine has a cap), and you'll see the error message when you open the NZB in Notepad.


3. In the Newzleech Search i can see the posts sort as collections but on double-click i can't see the single Files of them!Only when i ad them to queue.

That's perfectly normal and how the program works.  You need to use the Newzleech site directly if you want to see each collection's contents before queuing (mostly this is unnecessary, though).

Ergo, no bugs there.  But as you said, this isn't the bug forum. :)
