Author Topic: Connection thread reconnect retry time  (Read 3224 times)

Offline zoned

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Connection thread reconnect retry time
« on: November 06, 2014, 08:40:43 pm »
Altbinz connection settings
Delay between connection retries = 1 seconds
Global Connection timeout = 1 seconds

I notice with thread download connection when it drops takes 60 seconds before Altbinz will retry reconnect. Is this Altbinz or is it the server that sets count before retry thread connection.

Error is status 0 but all is the same as always has been no changes made to connection settings. Have tried with one and two threads status 0 still occurs. Changing settings Altbinz connection settings doesn't improve to make retry a thread connection quicker than 60 seconds. Would prefer retry = 1 seconds

Also I note each thread will only attain about 33.333% of global connection speed. two threads each will have 30% when have three threads will then achieve full global connection speed that is set in the connection settings. If connections settings set to auto will get poor speed remembers only the last highest speed attained. But is poor to use because that may have been a poor speed reason to manually set correct global connection speed in connection settings.