Alt.Binz forum

New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Topic started by: superJ on November 23, 2006, 06:59:31 am

Title: Decode Manualy?
Post by: superJ on November 23, 2006, 06:59:31 am
again I have to say, that I realy love alt.binz!!!
Sometimes, If I download older Files, which shouldn't be on the server because of the retentiontime, but are on the server nevertheless, alt.binz get realy slow. And sometimes, if it cant download the file totaly, alt.binz seems to hang on to this file and doesen't jump to the next one. Would be cool if the Program would give up after a certain time and try the next file by itself.
And if It cant complete a file, it would be great if you could decode the part of it manualy which got downloaded (maybe via a right click on that file). Because sometimes even a little bit of a File is better, than nothing, if there are not so many par files. NZB-O-Matic for an example had a function, where you could decode the file manualy.

I hope you could understand, what I mean. Sorry, english isn't my native language.

Keep up the good work. Alt.binz is just awesome!
Title: Re: Decode Manualy?
Post by: Rdl on November 23, 2006, 09:58:47 pm
There is no such function cause it should not be necessary for it to exist under normal functioning. I would guess that you're using Newshosting. The problem is not in alt.binz but in crappy server. Alt.binz send request to retrieve article by msgid. Server should reply in resonable time either by 430 article doesn't exist or by sending data. Problem is when server doesn't reply in 30 sec interval(or whatever is defined in Setup->Connection->Global connection timeout) When nothing happens in that interval, alt.binz assumes there is connection problem and restarts connection. Same part is tried again and again times out. So that explaines 'slowness' of  alt.binz. So solution is to tweak Global connection timeout parametar.

BTW your English is OK. The importan thing is that we understand each other :)