Author Topic: Delete temp files when download is canceled?  (Read 3034 times)


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Delete temp files when download is canceled?
« on: March 09, 2007, 10:36:56 am »
If I select "delete" a file from the queue that is currently downloading, it only removes the listing from the queue, it does not delete the partial file from the temp folder. It's a rather small issue, really, though I can't think of a reason why a deleted file should necessarily remain in the temp folder.

One reason why I have been canceling a lot of queued downloads was that I was only wanting to read the NFO file, and to do that, I had to load the search batch into the queue so the files could then be separated and all but the NFO paused. But sometimes another file in the batch would start downloading before I was ready, resulting in another orphan temp file.

I might think that ideally the processing should all be done in memory, and the temp file only written to disk if:

1. if the file is an 'incomplete', waiting to be par'd.
2. when the program is exited
3. on a slow connection: after a predetermined time (like 10 minutes) has elapsed and tempfile is still downloading

Doing this would of course help with disk caching memory management, as mentioned previously on another thread.

Once again, I don't consider this a high-priority feature, especially when a lot of other features would lessen or eliminate a reason for this - such as disk caching, NFO-file viewing, or being able to expand the file into its parts in the search window instead of having to send it to queue.

Offline Rdl

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Delete temp files when download is canceled?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 03:23:34 pm »
Clearing temp dir is already implemented in one of the daily builds


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Delete temp files when download is canceled?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 03:15:25 pm »
how to activate this function?