Author Topic: Detect type of file in rar folder and extract it to a chosen folder  (Read 2295 times)

Offline kadoosh

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Would be nice if the program can detect say a AVI file inside a rar file and then automatically extract it to a different folder then the default folder (say d:/video and others like iso files would go in d:/iso and everything else goes in d:/unrared).

Offline davidq666

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Re: Detect type of file in rar folder and extract it to a chosen folder
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 02:01:37 pm »
Would be nice if the program can detect say a AVI file inside a rar file and then automatically extract it to a different folder then the default folder (say d:/video and others like iso files would go in d:/iso and everything else goes in d:/unrared).

u can use a batch script to do something simular:

open editor. enter

move %1\*.mpeg d:/video
move %1\*.avi d:/video
move %1\*.iso d:/video

save as "move.bat" with quotationsmarks.

enter path to bat "$u" as standard execute comand in stettings( i believe nzb #2)