Some of the things I'd like to rss filter work great with simple wildcard matching with *s. Others are a bit harder, some things use the format inside the name. Old copies of past posts are rarely posted again, but I have had to delete a couple. Sure, I could change the filter every week/month but this kinda defeats the point of filtering for auto-downloads.
Could the filtering be added to take more advanced matching? Here are a few things that would be very handy
1. Subsets allowing ranges [0123456789], [0-9], [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz], [a-z]
3. Groups (something1|something2)
3. Something that would be easy to define say... todays date and yesterdays date. In case something is a day late. This could be done by allowing various date tokens like etc. Though it would require two rss lines this way, would easier and look fairly tidy.