Author Topic: Filter more than one page of search-results  (Read 2652 times)


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Filter more than one page of search-results
« on: March 25, 2007, 06:33:41 pm »
Hey there,
now, I know this might be quite hard to implement, but I'll just go ahead and try to explain my request. When I search for something on Newzleech for example and then use the filter to include/exclude something, it only filters the results from the first page, as it hasn't downloaded any further pages. Is there any possibility to make alt.binz download, let's say, the first 3 pages when I hit the search button, and then filters out of these 3 pages (the exact number of how many pages it downloads could be set in the settings)?! Of course, getting search-results will take a little longer then, but on the other hand, there wouldn't be any reloading if I switch to the next page.

Hope you understood my request.  :D