Author Topic: Further speedup of Par2 process?  (Read 2670 times)

Offline afdad

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Further speedup of Par2 process?
« on: October 17, 2007, 09:08:03 pm »
I was wondering whether a further speedup of the par2 process would be possible:

While downloading an NZB collection, every file is immediately checked right after it is decoded. Once all the files are downloaded and before a repair is performed, however, every single file is checked AGAIN ("Checking files before repair"). If ABZ could remember the information from the initial check and pass it to the par2 process, this second check would not be necessary.

Quickpar is working this way. It monitors all files as they are downloaded. As soon as all files are there, the repair process starts without any further re-checking.

Maybe this is not feasible. But the time saving would be quite substantial. I just had a multi-GB download where simply checking all files took almost 15 minutes (without any other hard disk activity going on in the background).