Author Topic: Handling Options for NFO Windows (when clicking http links)  (Read 2279 times)

Offline therealjoeblow

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When I view an NFO, often there's a HTTP link that I click.  The current/default behavior of Alt.Binz is to open the default browser and navigate to the URL that was clicked, leaving the NFO viewer open in the background.

Normally after viewing the web page, I just go back to Alt.Binz and if I view another NFO file, a new window is opened for it.  After this process is repeated several times, I have a number of NFO viewer windows open that aren't of interest anymore, but have to each be manually clicked on and closed.

It would be nice if Alt.Binz had 3 options for handling these windows in the setup menus:

1) default as it is now (open a new window for each NFO viewed, and user must manually close NFO viewer windows)

2) reuse NFO viewer windows (ie, open new NFO's in the previous window, only open one window, leave it open until it's closed manually)

3) automatically close NFO viewer when clicking on a URL

My preference would be #3.

The REAL Joe

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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Re: Handling Options for NFO Windows (when clicking http links)
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 11:08:12 pm »
to close all nfo viewers i close the whole alt.binz group and click "no" on the confirmation dialogue. So everything except alt.binz is closed

Offline therealjoeblow

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Re: Handling Options for NFO Windows (when clicking http links)
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2008, 06:40:57 pm »
I don't use grouping on the taskbar.  I hate it (we all have our personal preferences).

/The REAL Joe