Author Topic: Import file types as paused -> autounpause if in PAR2 set  (Read 2269 times)

Offline Hecks

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Import file types as paused -> autounpause if in PAR2 set
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:39:12 pm »
As some posts annoyingly include - for example - the nfo in the PAR2 set, if 'Import nfo as paused' option is enabled, Alt.Binz needs to complete an unnecessary repair while the nfo is sitting paused in the queue.  It would be nice if, when it comes to the autounpausing part of the PAR2 repair, Alt.Binz could check the queue for the nfo, and unpause that instead of repair blocks.

I suppose the same could go for any other file types paused in the queue that are also included in the PAR2 set.

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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Re: Import file types as paused -> autounpause if in PAR2 set
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 03:26:45 pm »
and i would like to add: import .nzb files as unpauses if they are the only file in a collection


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Re: Import file types as paused -> autounpause if in PAR2 set
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2008, 08:14:47 pm »
Both options would be nice.

I would like to see an option where alt.binz actually does what I want it to do instead of what I type/click. I've been a moron lately ;D