First of all, I love this program and have been using it for years now. What I would realy like is an option to be able to continue par checking even when using the nzbplay option. Quite often when using NZBplay, a corruption appears in the files say after watching 40% of the file. At this time the rars are already fully downloaded and the recovery files removed from the download tab (they were pauzed and I use the cleanup function). For me to recover the corruption, I have to find the nzb again, add it to download on pauze (else the cleanup function will just remove it again...), go to the par tab, remove the par file and reload it again to start file checking, unpauze some recovery files manually as it will not auto/unpauze them when loading a par file manually and unrar the repaired release. This process takes a lot of extra time which can be easily saved by an option that does all that in the background.