Author Topic: Multiple tab searches  (Read 2069 times)

Offline dennis2005

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Multiple tab searches
« on: April 13, 2008, 06:33:12 pm »
Very often when I'm searching for something using the build-in Binsearch I come across many interesting other things to download.
Now I have to make a note of these searches every time, so I can later search or refine my search for them.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could open up multiple search tabs per search engine? (so for example below the binsearch main tab you will have a second tab bar containing the searches)
A bit like opening multiple binsearch tabs in a web browser like firefox/ie?
This way you can easily switch between different search queries.

I don't know what the best implementation would be. Perhaps other people have suggestions?
Perhaps a tool bar button to "clone" the current search into a new tab?
Or maybe a option to open every new search query in a new tab?

I guess every tab title should contain the used query as well as a close button.

I think adding a search engine tab bar feature comes in very handy when doing a lot of searching.

Offline therealjoeblow

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Re: Multiple tab searches
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 10:36:35 pm »
2nd that request.

The REAL Joe