Author Topic: nzbsorg / Builtin browser / multi-collection downloads  (Read 2559 times)

Offline mysteryman

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nzbsorg / Builtin browser / multi-collection downloads
« on: December 27, 2008, 11:37:43 pm »
I love using the various search engines provided except for one thing. None of them allow you to very quickly download many collections at once. When you are on you can check off a bunch of collections, and download them all in a zip file. This is all well and good on their website except for one thing.

I currently have altbinz directed to an optimized tor proxy on my system to do all http downloads. This gives me the anonymity I would like. However, I do not use this proxy for standard browsing in firefox or IE. So, most the time I am browsing unprotected. I would love to have either/both:

1. A "web" tab. Have a tab that allows browsing general websites. It should have an option to intercept all zip/nzb download/clicks and then download them. This would also allow a failover in case of one of the search engines breaking.

2. Add AND allow multi-set downloads (without downloading them all to one directory). There may be one problem with this, since I believe their download cart is done with javascript, not server side. However you may be able to reimplement it with some work.

Number 2 could also be implimented on other search tabs as well. I for one would GREATLY appriciate it. If you are worried about hammering the servers, implement a 1second delay per file queue; download one, wait a second, download the next and so on. This will be no different than what I (and others) are doing already. But it will be done with much less effort on the users end.

As always, keep up the good work!

Offline davidq666

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Re: nzbsorg / Builtin browser / multi-collection downloads
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 11:39:07 am »
i am not sure if i get what exactly you want. Downloading multiple posts is already possible if they come from one searchengin by holding crtl while selecting them. they are then imported as one collection. as far as i know the nzbcart from is imported the same way. but an option to import multiple posts seperatly would definitly be a nice thing.

Offline mysteryman

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Re: nzbsorg / Builtin browser / multi-collection downloads
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 03:36:49 pm »
That is exactly what I want. Also, that is what is done at; I have not used nzbcart. When you check multiple collections it puts it in your cart. when you click get cart, it downloads a zip file containing multiple nzbs. when you download this file to your autoimport dir, it imports each one seperately...which is very handy. However it requires going directly to the site, as mentioned.

However, it might be nice, even with multiple separated collections, to have a builtin browser. However its most likely MUCH more work... maybe a future idea.

Offline davidq666

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Re: nzbsorg / Builtin browser / multi-collection downloads
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 04:46:31 pm »
in the meantime:
Depending on the number of collections you import simultaniously it might be easier to import as one from the search engines within and then to split up the collection in the queue using the filter. Or if somewhat recurring creating an RSS-Feed and have alt.binz do it all acording to your rules: the importing aswell as the directing of download and unrar.