Author Topic: par2 on pause  (Read 3457 times)

Offline lucozon

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par2 on pause
« on: December 17, 2007, 09:54:08 pm »
Sure it is a good idea to avoid download of par2 as they are unessessary most of the time.


That would  be great that they UNpause AUTOMATIQUELY when they are needed for repair.

Anyway your soft I just discovered yesterday is a very cool stuff. Easy and powerfull. A must for NZB users.

Offline Gompy

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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 10:19:49 pm »
Sure it is a good idea to avoid download of par2 as they are unessessary most of the time.


That would  be great that they UNpause AUTOMATIQUELY when they are needed for repair.

It does, you only have to do the setup in a proper way  ::)

Offline lucozon

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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 10:58:27 pm »
You are right, it SHOULD work.

I configured par2 on pause in "NBZ" configuration
and checked everything in "PAR2" configaration

But for an unnown reason. It did not download the par2 files as they were needed for reparing some missing pars. After manually unpausing them, the complete operation, reparing, unraring was competed.

I had that 2 times after my first 12 downloads.
Strange enough as the guide you mensionned tell clearly it should download automatiquely needed part2 in  this situation.

Offline cr4zyfr4g

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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 11:09:49 pm »
setup -> Nzb: "Import as paused: small par2 file" should NOT be activated.
setup -> Nzb: "Import as paused: par2 recovery files" should be activated.
and setup -> NZB#2: "Move small par2 file in front of the queue" should be activated.

Offline Gompy

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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2007, 08:23:49 pm »
But for an unnown reason. It did not download the par2 files as they were needed for reparing some missing pars. After manually unpausing them, the complete operation, reparing, unraring was competed.

On particular occasions, when Altbinz made a calculation on what is been downloaded so far, and what is left on par2 repairsets, the program don't download the repair sets. That only happens when the outcome of damaged files are so high that downloading all the par2 sets is useless, Altbinz still can't repair them after all.

But, as you wrote, Altbinz do repair after manually unpausing and downloading them, goes beyond my knowledge, maybe Rdl will give you an answer.

Regards, Gompy


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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2007, 08:37:29 pm »
But for an unnown reason. It did not download the par2 files as they were needed for reparing some missing pars. After manually unpausing them, the complete operation, reparing, unraring was competed.

On particular occasions, when Altbinz made a calculation on what is been downloaded so far, and what is left on par2 repairsets, the program don't download the repair sets. That only happens when the outcome of damaged files are so high that downloading all the par2 sets is useless, Altbinz still can't repair them after all.

But, as you wrote, Altbinz do repair after manually unpausing and downloading them, goes beyond my knowledge, maybe Rdl will give you an answer.

Regards, Gompy
I've had that happen to me once on a collection that contained multiple par sets.

Offline afdad

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Re: par2 on pause
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2008, 01:26:25 pm »
As Gompy says, sometimes alt.binz does perform a repair after you manually download additional par files. This may be due to the fact that alt.binz misinterprets the number of blocks that are still available to download. Or, as has been discussed before, due to the so-called Diablo bug, in which case alt.binz believes there are fewer blocks missing than there actually are.

As a somewhat dirty solution to both: If a repair fails, alt.binz could download one or more additional par files and then try to repair again. This could be implemented via an option "If repair fails, download XX additional repair blocks". If repair fails again, the process could be repeated (i.e., download even more blocks). In order not to try too many times, an additional option could set the maximum number of retries (e.g., "Retry failed repairs at most yy times" - a zero would mean never to retry a failed repair).