Author Topic: Past Search History List  (Read 2173 times)

Offline zoned

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Past Search History List
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:04:52 pm »
I use continously past search request i have used previously. Tailored with manual editing of the config, for past searches uneeded. Also have 40 or so items on the past search lists, previous was to limited (so is 40).


1. Use Right mouse button on search request lists, to manage deleting old or uneeded requests.

2. Resizable search drop list, with adjustable row spacing. For many search request on one drop list. Search requests side by side once the veritcal row has been filled, continues to store in the next row. Ok with enough space between rows and depending on length of seach written in. Or even user can opt for word wrap or even mouse over to see those long entered search requests.