Author Topic: personal log for every collection (nzb)  (Read 2005 times)

Offline shEiD

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personal log for every collection (nzb)
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:57:48 am »
It would be nice to have an option to create logs separate for every download (or as its called "collection" in right click menu: "Rename collection name" (Ctrl+R)). With this option enabled logs would be created, eg: instead of 20080615.log, as it is now (by date). This way, if you have a loooong download queue with lots of collections (like I ussually do eg: at the moment ~500GB of tv eps, hence hundreds of collections) and if you want to check the log of any particular download after all of them are finished it would be very easy and simple. If you want to check the log of some particular download straight away, after you finished downloading, so to say, its no problem. Though, I often need to check the log of some download days, weeks or even moths later. That becomes a tedious task, searching through the bunch of logs, not remembering, what day it was, when I downloaded that particular collection.
Another reason this would be very much appreciated: there are logs from downloads I don't care about and there are logs for some downloads that I would very much like to keep. With personal logs by collection, that would make it very easy to get rid of unneeded logs and keep the needed ones.

Further more, even with "Detailed logging" disabled, every single file is logged. I was thinking, maybe you could make an option to disable logging for complete files. This way only the "trouble/incomplete" files would be logged.

P.S. Thank you for implementing an option to stop downloading on par/rar, I was rooting for this for ages :) Now Alt.binz is nearly perfect. Thank you again.