I wasn't aware that Rdl had addressed this, thanks for letting me know.
I DL each post to a seperate folder that is named after the nzb name & unpack within that folder. If I manage to spot that the DL is a multi part 7zip, then I use Shift+Ctrl+N to inform AltBinz not to unpack.
I'm not that good at writing batch files & know just about nothing about powershell scripts, but did find the following 2 that turned out to be very helpful.
The 1st one is a batch file that I execute in that parent folder where I have these DLs, each being in a seperate folder.
This unpacks the 7zip, each in the floder that its loctaed in. Content of the batch ( xxx.bat ) file:
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir ".\*.7z" /A-D /B /S 2^>nul') do ".\7Zip\7z.exe" x -o"%%~dpI" -bb0 -y -- "%%I" >>log.txt
if the DL was unpacked & I have some big .7z files I keep "dir ".\*.7z" in the bat file but if I manged to spot & stop an unpack, then I edit dir ".\*.7z to dir ".\*.001. & looking thru the log.txt file I can see if there were any errors. ".\7Zip\7z.exe" in the bat file needs to be edited to point to where you have 7x.exe
Now I have a xxxx.mkv files in each folder with a obfuscated name. Now I execute this powershell command
Get-ChildItem i:\Downloads -Filter *.mkv -Recurse | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Directory.Name + ".mkv"}
i:\Downloads needs to be changed to where all of the folders with the obfuscated mkv files are
This powershell command renames the mkv files to the folders name. You can substitute *.mkv with *.7z or whatever is is you're trying to rename. This line can go in a powershell script, but then you have to go thru hassle of certifying the script. You can run a command to set execution policy to unrestricted, but then you need to remember to set it back to restricted afterwards, as unrestricted is considered to be a security risk.
There is probably a much easier way to do this, but at a pinch, it works. The 7z files will also still be there. I will have to be deleted either manually or bat or Remove-Item in powershell
Reading your original post in this thread, I get the impression that you might be DLing to one location & unrar/unpack into another location, so what I do will not work ;(