Author Topic: Request to automatically throttle downloading when..  (Read 3247 times)

Offline UNfiend3

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Request to automatically throttle downloading when..
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:51:50 am »
I have a Billion BiPAC 7800VDOX ADSL2+ WiFi VoIP modem router. Despite it's sophistication, latest firmware and setting appropriate QoS priority rules, outgoing VoIP is badly degraded if Alt.Binz 0.39.15 is downloading. The only thing which works reliably is to manually stop Alt.Binz until VoIP is no longer required.

I notice that µTorrent 3.3.2 automatically throttles its downloading whenever _anything_ else requires ADSL bandwidth, and am requesting that an option be introduced to make Alt.Binz do the same, if desired.

I know Alt.Binz can be set to limit downloading to a certain percentage of the total bandwidth at certain times of the day. This is a partial solution but wastes bandwidth when there is no real reason to limit it. The ideal solution is for Alt.Binz to auto-throttle, as suggested above.


Offline necrocowboy

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Re: Request to automatically throttle downloading when..
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2014, 11:40:39 am »
You could try a separate packet shaping programme to give VoIP priority - as packet shaping / bandwidth throttling works on the UPLOAD packets (i.e. an ACKnowledgement to the sending page), it will never be perfect but I find it works 90% of the time. I'm able to play CoD and download via Usenet at the same time without any noticable drop in speed / quality.

Recommend you look at