Author Topic: Scheduler (ability to toggle on and off)  (Read 2615 times)

Offline seekup

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Scheduler (ability to toggle on and off)
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:38:48 pm »
I would love to see the ability to toggle the scheduler on and off.  I have unlimited bandwidth between certain hours.  I could have the scheduler set up to download during the unlimited times, but if I choose to download something now, it's difficult to set the scheduler back up when I'm done. 

What do you think?

Offline dr_torrent

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Re: Scheduler (ability to toggle on and off)
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 11:32:32 am »
I'd like something similar, though for the toggle on and off I just deselect the button, and the download queue will start.

My request is for a 'Force Start' type option in the context menu. This will enable the ability to have a long list of downloads in the queue (mine are all auto added from search engines and Sick Beard). But if I have  one nzb in the list I want to download right now, which is in a normally non-download time for the scheduler, I can't do it. I'd have to pause all the others, toggle off the scheduler, download the one I want, then toggle on the scheduler and unpause all the others.

I like a more set and forget option. Leave the scheduler on. Have all nzb's come into the download queue unpaused, knowing they will only download in my preferred times. But for the odd one I want to download right now (notwithstanding scheduler times) I could right click on the one nzb, hit Force Start and it would download now. All the others would stay unpaused ready for the normal downloading when scheduler allows it.

Thanks for the consideration :)