Author Topic: Server Control/Selection  (Read 2821 times)

Offline Slinky

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Server Control/Selection
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:23:15 pm »
I've already made one request regarding something similar Here

But to add to that i'd like to request more  :P ::)

Along with that primary/backup switching thing, could we also get the stats for each server separated, such as speeds and volume downloaded, and be resettable, thus useful for those on pre-paid download plans like astraweb uses, having that in the status bar would be handy, down near the drive space available etc.
This would need to take into account that we may have configurations setup where primary and secondary servers are simply reversed and the servers you select from merely "server set 1" or 2 etc etc.

Timed server selection, obviously slightly harder to implement if the user selects to remain connected when idle, however, consider this possibility.........

You have free but restricted/poor access from ISP
you have a prepaid, pay-by-download plan with astraweb because of the huge retention time, and
you have a time restricted (night time plan 12am - 4pm CET) with hit-news

it would be extremely nice to be able to configure Alt.Binz to default to the hitnews server setup during the restricted time period, switching to astraweb server setup if files not available/out of retention period, and then whilst outside of that restricted access time period to be able to revert to ISP access, backing up to astraweb if file unavailable through ISP

Also, taking inot account that each access server may have multiple options, requiring multiple entries, Astraweb for example, taking only the SSL connections, has 2 server farms, US and EU, and 2 different ports you can use for each, so 4 entries, and these do sometimes behave differently in relation to speeds, or ISP throttling certain ports.

Basically, more more controllability :)

Last one, same subject of servers, but add the ability to switch servers based on throughput speed ? so if the ISP one is throttling, or just piss-poor slow, below a set speed/level, then try one of the others ?