Author Topic: Several minor requests  (Read 2536 times)


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Several minor requests
« on: April 16, 2007, 02:27:34 am »
The following are several minor non critical requests I think would be very usefull:

1) When there are more than 1 rarset in an znb, if one of these rarsets has missing parts the needed par2s have to be added manualy. Also when added manually, after the par2s are downloaded, the repair of the rarset does not start automaticaly. Suggestions:

- Try to identify the correct par2s (by the name or part of the name or the par2-sets?) and add them automatically
- After manually added par2s are downloaded check if the corresponding rarset has enough par2s and automatically start the repair proccess.

2) When more rarsets are included in one nzb, the "delete *.sfv after successful unraring" option is enabled and the par-sets contain the sfv files, the autounrar does not work well. I often happens that after the first rarset is unrared, the sfv for the second rarset is deleted and so on. So to gether with the described problem in 1), as no par2s ared added automatically, the rarset remain unrared. Suggestions:

- A more clever sfv delete option, like if there are more than 1 sfv files present, only delete the one with the same name as the rarset.
- Add an right click option to "Unrar now" in the par2 tab. So if only the sfv is missing from the par2set, the rarset can still be unrared from within Alt.Binz from the par2 tab, without having to do this from outside Alt.binz.
- Add the right click option to "recheck par2-set" in the par2 set. This would help Alt.Binz realise that a file is missing, if we know that it has been deleted (e.g. the sfv file was deleted), so that autorepair and autounrar will work correctly after all the files are downloaded.

3) Add a right click option to "Assemble incompletes now". I know this has been asked for before, but I really would like such an option. If  you are not before your PC, it is good to have an automatic setting for  assembling incompletes and it makes sence to set the 2 relevant options to say "Retry count = 10" and "delay between retries = 5". However if you are in front of your PC and are just waiting for a rarset to come down and want to use it right away, if a part is missing in one of the files, this would mean having to wait for at least 50 minutes, till the missing part is considered as non existent and the incomplete file is assembled automatically... In this case the described option would help a lot.