Well, you won't get mutiple copies of the movie if you have Setup > Download > 'Keep download history' configured properly, since it will just import the already downloaded files as paused - but you will get multiple copies of the NZB, unless you choose not to save them when adding to queue.
Hmm, maybe an 'Apply filters only once' option, which resets with each manual Clear/Refresh? This seems to defeat the purpose of having Allow and Deny filters somewhat, though ... (actually, that wouldn't work with your example since you don't have specific titles Allowed, hmm)
Or: download history for RSS saves the actual NZB names instead?
Because I'm a lazy ass, when I do scripted searches of RSS feeds, I just check the folder where I horde my recently (1 month-ish) downloaded NZBs like a good little squirrel (can't be bothered to use a list, lol). Maybe Alt.binz could do the same.
