Author Topic: Total bytes downloaded this month, and Average bytes downloaded per month  (Read 3387 times)

Offline icecube

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Since I am paying for usenet per month, what about having a Total bytes downloaded this month and Average bytes downloaded per month view in addition to the total bytes download since forever view that we already have?


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+1 even though I'm already using an application to monitor my total traffic it would be nice to see how much of that is done with Alt.Binz.

Offline drysdan

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I'll bump this.

My ISP's fair use policy limits at 250Gb per month, and there are some months I come pretty close to that with usenet d/l's.
It would be nice if Alt.Binz would show me a counter that auto resets on the 1st of each month, so I don't have to reset the global counter.

Offline duffman

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could be nice to log to a file to show month on month? like giganews monthly stats are something like that might be useful for people?

not a request i'd personally need, but can see the use for others!

Offline WilliamStam

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Offline freelance86

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+1 for a overall usage popup like the about screen, then you could use the place where it currently is to be a session usage counter which is automatically reset when the app is closed

also a usage counter per server would be nice if its possible :)

as for month by month there are plenty of other applications out there that can do that for you (whether it be overall or per .exe) like netlimiter for example

Offline networkn

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I'd be Keen for this, and also average speed per day if there was an easy way to add it.