Alt.Binz forum
New Alt.Binz versions => Requests => Topic started by: briancl on February 18, 2007, 10:50:08 pm
Here are a few things I'd like to request, probably as options, as I'd imagine not everyone would like the same functionality:
1) Minimize on close (to System Tray if selected)
2) When deleting NZB out of download queue, delete PAR2 entry as well
3) The UNRAR option "Create subfolder based on NZB name" or archive name should have a stipulation based on the number of files. For example, i don't want a folder created for an archive with only 1 file in it, but if the archive has 2+ files, then I'd like a folder created.
4) When the program is unraring/paring an archive, it would be nice to see some sort of indication of progress, or if progress is too complicated to track, then at least some indication of what the program is doing. Sometimes I don't know if altbinz is unraring/paring an archive or not.. so I have to check the running programs to see whats going on.
5) forgot one... I'd also like to configure the logging. There may be certain log levels I'd like to ignore and others that are more important.
Here are a few things I'd like to request, probably as options, as I'd imagine not everyone would like the same functionality:
1) Minimize on close (to System Tray if selected)
Why is it so hard to press minimize? To Tray/ simple minimize already exists as an option. If the problem is hiting close accidently I'll implement optional close dialog.
2) When deleting NZB out of download queue, delete PAR2 entry as well
I'll probably implement that option.
3) The UNRAR option "Create subfolder based on NZB name" or archive name should have a stipulation based on the number of files. For example, i don't want a folder created for an archive with only 1 file in it, but if the archive has 2+ files, then I'd like a folder created.
Heh, that one will probably be used by you and none else :)
4) When the program is unraring/paring an archive, it would be nice to see some sort of indication of progress, or if progress is too complicated to track, then at least some indication of what the program is doing. Sometimes I don't know if altbinz is unraring/paring an archive or not.. so I have to check the running programs to see whats going on.
Already implemented and available in daily builds
5) forgot one... I'd also like to configure the logging. There may be certain log levels I'd like to ignore and others that are more important.
Already there as normal & detailed logging which is enough